How to get to high speed train in Eskisehir?

Eskisehir has strong high speed train connections and train station can be accessed by tram from all important attraction points of city. Two lines of Eskisehir’s award-winning tram system (Estram), SSK-Osmangazi and SSK-Otogar, is passing through Espark. Each lines has a frequency of 13 minutes and trams run from early morning to late night (Click for tram timetable). ...

Domestic Airlines in Turkey

Although Turkish Airlines is Turkey’s best-known airline, there are many other airlines that can accommodate your domestic travel needs. While Turkish Airlines currently operates 251 airplanes, Turkey’s other top airlines have another 177 planes in the sky. More airlines means more options for customers, who can find amazing deals on domestic flight prices. While traveling through Turkey, you can explore historical cities, relaxing beaches,...